Metal Roofing
The Standing Seam roof was as coppery-bright as a new kettle, but its shine soon faded, and eventually it will adopt a familiar blue-green color, or “patina.” Because of this weathering process, copper roofs are among the most durable, lasting 100 years or more. Copper has a fantastic patina all its life,” according to the architect. “Bright when it’s new, a very attractive brown as it begins to oxidize, then 10 to 15 years out it gets that soft, lovely green color that you see on the Statue of Liberty and on many roofs.”
The architectural alternative to just using shingles over your Angle Bay or Bow Window.
Copper Roofing
Copper roofing provides the perfect complement to any bay or bow window.
A New Copper Roof will season gracefully to a soft green patina – adding a classic touch of beauty and a lifetime of protection to any home.