The Atlas Signature Select Roofing System
Since 1982, Atlas has been refining their processes and innovating new product to bring us what we are going to talk about today. The Atlas Signature Select Roofing System, Here at Naperville Roofing and Construction, we swear by the Atlas Signature Select Roofing System. It’s what we recommend to all of our customers in need of a new roof, and many of us use this system on our own homes. In what is to follow, we will discuss the components that make up the atlas roofing system as well as the warranty that backs it.
The Components
A serious upgrade over the felt paper used on the roofs we grew up under, Atlas’s Summit 60 Synthetic underlayment is hard to tear, easy to apply and rated to withstand 60 days of rain all on its own.
Ice and Water Shield
A sticky asphalt textured layer, the ice and water shield goes on the eaves and valleys of your roof and keeps moisture from collecting in the most vulnerable areas.
-Hip and Ridge
A specialized shingle, hip and ridge shingles are used to finish off already shingled sections of your house.
Starter shingles are placed along the eaves of your roof, and allow for the first row of shingles to have something to be secured to.
The final layer of your roof, and the only part of the process with color options.
An aesthetically pleasing and functional upgrade over the commonly used box vents, the Atlas HighPoint and TruRidge Ridge vents keep your roof well ventilated all year long!
The Warranty
Atlas warranties all of their shingles, however, for the time being we will only be discussing how the signature select system impacts the warranty on StormMaster and the Pinnacle Pristine (their most popular offerings). If a customer were to place a StormMaster shingle on their home, absent of any other atlas offerings, Atlas warranties that shingle fully for 10 years. However, by bundling the StormMaster with Atlas underlayment, ice and water, starter, hip and ridge and ventilation Atlas will increase the warranty to 25 years. The same bundling of Atlas materials with the Pinnacle Pristine shingles improves the warranty from just 10 years to 15 years. This warranty includes both labor and materials, making it unlike any other roofing product on the market.